What is Blue Cruise?
The term of ‘’Blue Cruise’’ which uses in Tourism Industry comes from the title of Azra Erhat’s book. Firstly successful writer Cevat Şakir (alias the Fisherman of Halicarnassus) introduces the terms of ‘’Blue Cruise’’. The author has been exciled to Bodrum in 1925. Afterwards he has started to take trips with his friends and family on the sponge divers’ sailing boats called gulets. These journeys have been known as ‘’Blue Cruise’’. The author Sabahattin Eyüboğlu and his close circle including Azra Erhat have participated to this trips. ‘’New Horizons’’ which is a literary value of Turkish literature have contributed to ‘’Blue Cruise’’to known in society and it has been published as Turkish and German.
Thanks to these well-known and sophisticated writers who provide to new comprehension and making exploration in 1950s and 1960s, it has become an alternative type of activity in holidays and Until 1980s only wealthy society has lives this ecperience. Then number of boats decreased the prices and both foreign tourists and Turkish people have started to interested in that concenpt of holidays.
In our days; ‘’Blue Cruise’’ is a holiday choice being made in five to fifteen days and thatactivity allows you to live numerous shades of blue and peaceful moments.